Getting started with PyLTI using Flask

PyLTI provides an authorization decorator for Flask requests.

To use pylti you will need to import the pylti Flask decorator, and create a Flask application.

from pylti.flask import lti

app = Flask(__name__)
Next let’s look at how we can protect the landing page using the pylti decorator. Note two things:
  • The @lti decorator protects the route
  • The route takes a named argument lti which interacts with an LTI consumer lti object is an instance of pylti.flask.LTI .
@lti(error=error, request='any', app=app)
def any_route(lti):
    In this example route /any is protected and initial or subsequent calls
    to the URL will succeed. As you can see lti passed one keyword parameter
    lti object that can be used to inspect LTI session.

    :param: lti: `lti` object
    :return: string "html to return"
    return "Landing page"

You may have different needs; maybe you want your landing page available only for the initial request. For access on the initial requests only, use request=’initial’ as an argument to the decorator.

@lti(error=error, request='initial', app=app)
def initial_route(lti):
    access route with 'initial' request only, subsequent requests are not allowed.

    :param: lti: `lti` object
    :return: string "Initial request"
    return "Initial request"

You may want some pages available only after the initial page is visited. To allow only subsequent requests to be accessible use request=’session’ as an argument to the decorator.

@lti(error=error, request='session', app=app)
def session_route(lti):
    access route with 'session' request

    :param: lti: `lti` object
    :return: string "Session request"
    return "Session request"

Often times in your LTI Tool Provider, some pages are accessible only by administrators. To protect those pages you can use role attribute.

@app.route("/initial_staff", methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@lti(error=error, request='initial', role='staff', app=app)
def initial_staff_route(lti):
    access route with 'initial' request and 'staff' role

    :param: lti: `lti` object
    :return: string "hi"
    return "Staff page"

@lti has a number of arguments. The required arguments are app, error and request. The role argument is optional. Argument app is the Flask application. Argument error is the function that gets called if access is denied, or decorator fails for any other reason. request has already been explained, and determines which type of LTI requests are allowed. The role argument is optional. Mapping between pylti roles and the roles defined in the LTI standard is described by pylti.common.LTI_ROLES.

def error(exception):
    Error receives one argument - exception
    exception is a dictionary with the following keys:
        exception['exception'] = lti_exception
        exception['kwargs'] = kwargs - keyword arguments passed to the route
        exception['args'] = args - positional arguments passed to teh route

    :param: exception: `exception` object
    :return: string "HTML in case of exception"
    return "HTML to return"